Association and membership



The Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners brings those shipping companies who want to form a united front together in order to protect and promote their common interests on a national, European and global level.

While the shipping industry consists of various sectors, the KVNR represents shipping companies involved in merchant shipping and sea towage. The interests of the fishing and pleasure craft sectors are not covered by the KVNR.



The board is responsible for policy making. The KVNR office is involved in policy preparation and realisation. The board comprises a maximum of fourteen members and elects a chairman from among its members. Board composition as of 21 May 2024, during the General Meeting of KVNR Members:

Gilbèrt de Bock
De Bock Maritiem B.V.
Member of the board
Yntze Buitenwerf
Seatrade Group
Vice president of the board
Sibrand Hassing 
HAL Beheer B.V.
Member of the board

Wessel Holwerda
Holwerda Shipmanagement

Member of the board

Annika Hult
Stena Line B.V.

Member of the board

Theo Klimp
Wagenborg Shipping B.V.

President of the board
Daan Koornneef
Jumbo Maritime
Member of the board
Harold Linssen
Van Oord
Member of the board
Erwin Meijnders 
Spliethoff Beheer B.V.
Member of the board
Leendert Muller 
Multraship Towage & Salvage
Member of the board
Karin Orsel 
MF Shipping Group
Member of the board
Otto Torenbosch
Shipping Company Groningen / Vertom
Member of the board
Jan Valkier
Anthony Veder N.V.
Member of the board

Organizational structure

KVNR Organigram ENG.JPG

General meeting

The KVNR is an association. Therefore, just as with any other association, the biannual General Meeting of Members (GMM) is the highest decision-making body. It is also when members choose the composition of the board.

Get involved

KVNR members can also participate in committees and work groups themselves. Don’t forget – participation means that you can have a definite influence on policy decisions!

The KVNR office

The KVNR office is the secretariat of the association and, as such, supports the board, the committees, working groups and individual members. The office represents the KVNR in various external organisations (possibly together with a shipping company representative). Go to www.kvnr.nl/en/team to meet the KVNR employees.


The most current version of the KVNR statutes are available here below for download.

Download the official KVNR Statutesin Dutch here

Download the (unofficial) English translation of the KVNR Statutes here.