The maritime cluster in the Netherlands comprises twelve maritime sectors: ports, offshore maritime suppliers, shipbuilding, hydraulic engineering, maritime services and knowledge institutes, inland shipping, the Royal Netherlands Navy, watersports, fishing, and shipping companies. This encompasses 12,000 companies, employing more than a quarter of a million people and realizing a total added value of over €23 billion (figures: The Dutch maritime cluster, monitor 2015).
The added value of the Dutch shipping industry as a knowledge economy can also be seen in the labour market. Dutch seafarers rarely work their entire careers at sea; instead spending an average of seven years ‘at sea’. After this time, most of them continue their career path on shore, in a job within the maritime cluster. This could be working for a shipping company, an educational institution, a supplier or for the KVNR. That's right, there are three former seafarers working here at the KVNR!
In this way, a huge amount of practical knowledge returns back to the Dutch maritime cluster – ensuring the Netherlands’ leading position in the maritime world.